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"I am a career Marine, advisor to our local Civilian Defense Force, and our family has experienced a multitude of disasters - mostly floods in New Orleans, including Hurricane Katrina. Given such a background, one would think that this family has learned and is now ready for anything. We are nowhere near this phase yet! Your book is now one of the most powerful tools we have in our home. Full of common sense, the book covers every physical thing we need to ride out the toughest storms - natural or man-made. It is very inexpensive and worth every penny. Thank you. We are forever in your debt. Best, Joe"
"Joe - USMC (Ret)"
"Love the info I have so far very useful and I know I can do this as simple as you made it for us dummies!!! Thank you "
"Linda Maxted"
" I just finished reading your manual on family survival and it is terrific. Have already begun to implement. You are very wise and gifted in this area. Is it OK to verbally share some of your things with friends so they can be prepared? "
"Maureen Carver"
"Thanks for your very quick replies, and sorry I haven't responded. This is awesome, thank you so much for everything, I really appreciate it. My Grandmother feels a lot better now and she also sends her thanks to you for the great service. We're trying to implement everything we can from your books and I would just like to say that I really love your style; all the books so far are full of great information and they're very easy reads. Thanks again, Frank, and good luck to you and your family."
"Willie Austin"